Over the past month our class has shown promising progress in our individual yoga practices. Yoga is great for people of all ages, and mobility. We've noticed a big change in our students ability to relax as our practice has progressed. This week we introduced them to the idea of meditation, in the form of guided meditation. Not only did they do a great job at relaxing and following the meditation, they also really enjoyed it! So much so, we had an overwhelming demand to do it again! The second time around they did even better! Many of our students could vividly describe their experiences, and even brought them to life in their journals.
We'd like to continue to explore guided meditation and have discussed with the students what they feel could help them. Keeping it simple, we decided a small blanket and pillow would be the most beneficial to expand this experience. Please feel free to send them in your students bag and we will make sure they are returned next week.
If you would like to incorporate guided meditation into your students home life, YouTube "guided meditation for kids". It's a great resource to help restless friends to get a good nights sleep when played before bed.