First Group Photo

First Group Photo

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Our carnival celebration

What a great day ! We had so much fun with our grade 7 students who put on our carnival celebration for us. Many activities and lots of laughter.

More pictures to follow from Mr.Fullerton's/Mme. Volas class 

Saturday, 20 February 2016

African Drummer

Pizza with a special guest

Mrs. Gallagher played a huge role in our sewing inquiry last year and provided us with her excellent expertise. This year she has been popping in here and their to see us !!

Outer space inquiry

We adventured to outer space and discovered the planets and solar system. Exploring the weight and different charaterictics of the planets. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Nature walk

It was a grogeoues day for a nature walk, along the way we decided to have a relay race in the field :)

Love sharing our students talents :)

Scott brought in his violin to share with us his hard work and his talent !! 

Moustache Reading Buddies

Raising money for a great cause !!

Beach Day

Learning can be fun when your dressed for the beach! Counting the seconds and turns your Hola Hoop goes around, playing catch with alpha and numeric beach balls, and seeing what the lowest number you can do the limbo at. 

Special visits

Mme. Schertzer and Mme. Allin brought their handsome little boys to our classrooms to say Bonjour and see how we've grown :)